I'm doing my best not to get too distracted, and I am staying on track. I have to admit, though, that I'm pretty sure that I'm going to fall behind schedule. I have a section that's due tomorrow, and I don't think that I gave myself enough time to complete it. I thought that I had a part of it all ready typed up that I could just alter a little bit to fit into the story, but it's too different, so I have to write the thing all over again. It's an idea that promises to be over six thousand words long, too.
How am I doing with Treason? I am on part eight out of twenty-nine, I have sixty-one pages, and 14,575 words. How's that for progress? As soon as I can get over the bump that this little part here is making, then I should be good to get back on track. How is it coming along in terms of the plot? I just finished the introduction, and I'm about to start the rising action. The climax isn't until idea number twenty, so we've still got some ways to go. It's so hard to stay focused! This weather is so nice, and there's so many things that I could be doing. I guess it helps that I can't walk, or else I'd be outside all day long.
For all of my Canadian readers: how was your Canada Day? Did you do anything interesting? I worked from 7:30AM to 7:15PM and then I was so tired and sore that I fell asleep to the sound of fireworks. On the bright side, I made 190$. For all of my American readers: happy early Independence Day! Do you have any plans for tomorrow? I hope that everyone had a safe Canada Day, and that everyone will have a safe Fourth of July tomorrow. Remember: if you drink, don't drive. And anyway, beer is cheaper than gas in today's economy, so drink, don't drive. That was my joke for you all, today. There's actually a sign in town that says that, I'm pretty sure.
Can you believe that it's already July? This year is going by so fast! Are you doing anything interesting this month? I am leaving in twenty days to roadtrip to Nova Scotia with my family. We are spending three nights in Quebec city, one night in Montreal, one night on a ranch in New Brunswick by the Bay of Fundy, and one night in Halifax. I'm sure that it will be entertaining, to say that least.
Well, I'm off. I really need to get this little bit done. Thank you all for stopping by, and welcome once again to my new followers on Twitter, and my new blog readers! It's great to know that I have your support! I'll have more for you next week!
This week's song is something that I found while I was browsing YouTube to pass the time. Have a listen to Our Song Comes On by Kristina Maria!
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